
1) Lift radiator cap up

no... not abbreviation. It’s an ownership apostrphe. Yetis actually OWN their brilliance!

lots of glaciers aren’t like the stuff you see at the poles. There are hikable glaciers in Colorado. Lots of dirt in them after thousands of years sliding around.

I couldn’t tell if that was a heli, or a wingsuit. at 1:12-ish, right?

Meh. i’ve been run over in bicycle and motorcycle races, and have run people over, too. It’s not that big a deal. Unless you hit them just right, suspension takes care of most of the impact. Add in adrenaline, and it’s truly almost never an issue.

totally possible. buy you can only tighten.

it’s easier than catching the knife itself!

The fountain was fantastic from a visual standpoint. It’s my suggestion for the list.

Keep the scab from forming! TRUTH! crashed a road bicycle at high speed last year. 6 weeks of healing time, and kept everything wet. didnt’ itch, healed wonderfully!

$185 fucking million? is that a joke figure? did they misplace 2 decimal places? That’s an absurd judgement. She deserved a judgement, but $185 million is absolutely asinine.

I don’t even have to read this article. I keep a copy of IDs code conventions on my desktop at home and at work.

Entitled parents are the WORST, and far too many restaurants are complicit.

I wouldn’t say distrubing. 8 year old minds can be fucking crazy. They don’t all grow up to be fucking crazy, though.

technically, only the zero is correct here. Unless you discount it to “angles less than 90 degrees,” all of these have many more angles than the number they represent. 1 has 2 angles, 2 has 4 angles... 4 has only 6 angles, while 6 has 10!

Someone please kick the shit out of this man.

God, I miss that show.

Oh, and you even used a “Driver_IRQL” error. most perfect.

PCI requirements state that they must save ALL financial payment information for 7 years.

That thing about Acura giving a free RLX if you don’t laugh when they show you the MSRP might be said about all Acuras right now. They’re serious about the digits to the left of that comma! I was shocked when my Brother went looking for his wife a couple of weeks back.

Have you held one of those range guns? they’re heavy. moving, and efficiently aiming those weapons does indeed take strength and physical prowess. Much more so than mousing.