
help fund a cool new fighting game that actually has a chance of coming out. ^_^

Jedi? That's a funny name, I'd have called them Chazzwazzers!

Knock. Knock.

The taste level was so bad I was half expecting a 9/11 edition of Jenga.

LOL, watch this person be in the one in trouble. and why cant things like this happen to me. I would so love this and keep that shit.

Wow. Kudos on finding a random internet picture with exactly 13 bottles of A1.

California Institute of the Arts? I think you mean CIA!! Mind blown!



It's obvious that this new galaxy is no more than 6,000 years old and placed in our sky just so we could one day marvel at its marvelousness.

Obviously Mojang could shut this down faster than you can say cease and desist, that isn't in question, right? With that out of the way, one would assume that they could fund this entirely by using the ad revenue from their shorts and VGH...which leaves me to ponder how this is legal, considering they don't actually

Gawker media has a lifetime ban by Apple. Even Think Secrets, Ciarelli didn't get punished as harshly and is still allowed to attend Apple events if he wishes.

That was a lot of typing, considering you failed to make a reasonable point.