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I wonder if this is HowToBasic's alter ego?

You are aware not everyone knows why or CARES at all why there are so many drake references in this. seriously

You're wrong.

It'd never happen. Too many trees and wildlife would be affected by the construction. If anything, it'd bring Miyazaki out of retirement to direct a movie about a little girl, who befriends some creatures to stop construction of a theme park. At the end of it all, she would have 'grown'.

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It's this crap that's scary. Lone Gunmen called it mere months before the actual event.

This is even more weird, From the TCG Illuminati, released.. 1994:


the idea doesn't bother me. What bothers me is these people are making millions and sound like a couple high schoolers texting each other. Why did I waste my time and go to medical school?

First, black holes have never been observed, they are simply a mathetmatical principal at this point that we hypothesis exist. Second, these aren’t photos… Entries like this make me want to unsubscribe.

As a gun owner, I have no problem with this type of tech being used for police officers which use guns as part of their job. But there is no way this would be acceptable if it was forced on consumer guns. The government has no right to track how often I shoot a gun at a range or while hunting. That is a pure invasion

Yeah!!! Let's put more money into a whole bunch of military shit we don't need! Because terrorism, putin, and shit! MURICA. And congress passes the 700 billion dollar helicarrier project in a unanimous vote!

Dude, it's not about my facebook feed. It's about the drones above your head, permanent surveillance in HD and 3D. Got it now?

Seconded. The xylophone and horn section just get excessive.

I thought she claimed the surgeons weren't able to create her a third nipple? So she had one tattooed on…

Freeze yourself!

I skimmed this story for 2 minutes:

I don't have time to watch propagandistic sob stories, so I don't know their angle. But I know this: everything happening in Syria is the fault of external intelligence meddling, that of the West directly, or through allied proxies.

The matter gets much more complicated if you extend the flag redesign issue out to the Commonwealth nations and their provinces - since many of the flags incorporate the Union Jack into their motifs.

Take where I live: Ontario, Canada.

Here's our provincial flag.


"Here's What Happens If You Like Everything On Your Facebook Feed"