
There's a reason things like this are getting more common. It's called the New World Order and you should research it.

You know, we call it Autumn in the UK. And it's quite normal; it happens every year. I guess there are not many trees in your big American cities.

43,820 EMAILS?!

Holy shit that was like the only racing game I had on my PC as a kid and I had no idea how to play it, but kept on doing it anyway.

We (British people) are just funnier than American people. My friends and I actually have a running joke between us that every time a certain friend of ours tells a shit joke, we casually agree that he would be great for the American stage.

Have you heard of the continuous link between the Bush family, the Bin Laden family and The Carlyle Group? Why was Shafig Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden's brother in a meeting with George Bush Sr on Sept 10th, and then in attendance again on the morning of Sept 11th? http://www.wanttoknow.info/030316post

You make no sense to me. At all.

You misunderstand. Jet fuel literally does not burn hot enough to melt the steel used in the main girders of the WTC. The architect even admitted they should have survived the impacts and does not understand why they collapsed.

Have you ever actually looked into any of this? Seriously?

Everyone here should go google "Operation Northwoods", and also "Operation Paperclip".

And what will be the repercussions of dumping nano-diamonds into our water after they get washed down the drain, if they are to be used in cosmetics? We already know the plastic "micro-beads" added to various face-wash's made by Olay and others are incredibly damaging to fish in the oceans, after they swallow them

I was designing and making some outfits for a fashion show a couple of years ago and had basically run out of time, I had only a few days left and stayed up for 3 days, basically, with maybe only a few hours sleep near the end somewhere. During that time, I probably consumed 5 or 6 litres of energy drinks. The cheap

Surprised to see this on Gizmodo, it's been going around all my local Facebook friends recently. I only live 10 minutes from Park Street in Bristol, I can't wait til May =P

Bear in mind with the impending advancements in 3D printing and perhaps nanotechnology not too far away, we are right on the precipice of incredible technological revolution. Fabricating new modules on Mars made using materials found in the planet could be viable, and you could certainly build a much larger habitat

I do charge it literally twice a day whenever it gets to around 20% now, because if I take a phone call at that percentage, I probably won't be able to finish it.

Snog Marry Avoid on BBC Three is one of the most disgusting "fit in and be like one of us" media propaganda shows currently spewed up in the UK. Every episode consists of one pretty girl and one "oddball" (punk rocker, gay boy, goth, INDIVIDUAL). Sometimes the results are okay; more often than not than basically

My girlfriend has my old Nokia 3330, and has never had a modern phone. It has snake on it though. And her battery lasts about 8 times what mine does on a two-year-old iPhone 4S.

It is incredibly convenient that a young boy in the UK sees porn on his xbox and then decides to "try it out" on his sister, whilst David Cameron is in the middle of trying to put a mandatory opt-in to adult content on the entire UK internet. Just saying, it's convenient that propaganda seems to fly at the exact right