I appreciate your perspective, and if it was nothing but 1988 I might agree. (Though why 1988 of all possible years?) But then there’s the whole Maus aspect... Rat infestation using gas? It’s a few too many coincidences for me to just immediately give the benefit of the doubt.
I consider myself pretty well informed and yet a reddit post about this lazy dumbshit game I saw yesterday was the first time I’d ever heard of the “88" thing. Personally, I don’t think it’s so unbelievable that a likely small team of amateur devs might not have either.
I am a bigger WW2 buff than most and I had no idea it meant that. I feel like if you aren’t a Nazi then it doesn’t mean that.
Yeah, I feel like they forgot to put an X in there. Because instead of IV, XIV is about the emissaries of an extinct world attempting to remake the current world into its original form so they can repopulate it with their own dead species.
What an absurd take. Do you actually expect every company to publicly announce ever single decision or idea they have?
Is silksong coming in 2024?
Max Payne 3 is a great game! It’s just not a good Max Payne game.
these are more or less my thoughts as well. but can we get another huzzah for that HEALTH track in Max Payne 3? just a stunning song. it feels like a reward for making it through that endless start-and-stop gameplay churn and unskippable cut scenes.
He looked like Max Payne, and he talked like Max Payne, but he didn’t play like Max Payne.
Miles’ product placement shoes are a part of his character. So much so, that some people were disappointed by the lack of product placement shoes in the first game, even Kotaku wrote about it
I think Remedy knows they would completely change the gameplay dynamic of Max Payne if they added cover shooting or something like that. The whole point of the game is shootouts with bullet dodges or bullet time, take that away by making Max take cover and there would be nothing left that makes it Max Payne. It would…
Gonna make this short: Star Ocean 2 is a fantastic JRPG that still holds up today. This remake of it is genuinely great - they converted old pre-rendered backgrounds into 3d areas, updated the music, even the sprites catch light and shadow convincingly.
This is EXACTLY how you ‘update’ a game for the modern audience.…
I’m not actually familiar with a lot of games that have these themes but I thought the conscientious was that in between Kojima’s nuttery it delivered the absolute best.
Remember, they said in *the medium*, so specifically video games alone.
Yes, it’s bad. Yes, no one should buy it. And yes, everyone should know about how bad it is and how no one should buy it.
I mean, if you want to get up to all kinds of primate shenanigans, just play Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze instead.
That’s not a fair criticism. Sometimes they were sitting.
Ahsoka has its flaws, but even haters have to admit that by its midway point the series had abandoned any potential plodding plots and carved away at the excess fluff
YES. Thank you. Yours is the best take.