
Goron City and Fire Temple 2nd. Yunobo’s ability gives you a free bomb that helps clear walls in caves you’d otherwise have to destroy with Bomb Flowers or Rock Hammers.

Companies have stopped making products that people want and need and now make stuff that will bring them the most amount of money the fastest.

The article writers don’t like it either. Kotaku writers vs. Kotaku owners is an ancient ongoing war.

Gotta keep chasing infinite growth!

I believe it was called, “the shitification” of the internet? Lemme check,

This isn’t the point of this thread but man Wind Waker HD really missed what was so great about the original Wind Waker’s graphics, huh?

Allegedly the Game of Thrones showrunners pitched a trilogy set in The Old Republic that was insanely good. They had put a ton of thought and effort into it, and a friend at ILM who was there for the pitch said it was the best Star Wars thing he’d ever seen.

striking writers have accused Barack Obama of crossing the picket line.

they’ll never do this. the system was designed with a thermal envelope in mind. they won’t change anything to affect that.

This just seems like a kind of random list of movies.  Nobody forgot Con Air.

Twin Snakes is much maligned in the MGS fanbase, actually.

Trump is a fascist moron. Desantis is a complete weirdo with the personality of wet paper towel, but he is an intelligent fascist. Definitely way worse.

Another key to why this new system is so satisfying is that Fuse only works once on each new weapon. There are no takebacks, but also no juggling endless upgrades to the same gear.

Thank you for putting into words something I’ve been feeling since the playing GH3 for the first time, after having been a fan since buying GH1 on release day. I bounced off both GH3 and World Tour so hard and I never gave it much thought because I had Rock Band, which to me was the pinnacle of the genre since I

This one goes out to everyone who has ever said “only fans of this series should be on the review”, a practice that serves nobody except the fans who were already gonna play the game anyway. 

That sounds... Truly awful. And I really liked Fallout 4

Now playing

Gonna post this video in every article this is relevant in:

I realise this is a simplistic/obvious take, so much so it delayed me getting around to writing this, but I also figured it was worth putting on record anyway, so here it is. Of course this doesn’t apply just to PC games, or even video games, it’s something affecting our daily lives across most industries, but PC

You do miss out on a decent chunk of XP - first one I got out of on time gave 1,000 xp, so close to the same as a quest.

To say S11 is the end of the golden era is waaaay too late. Personally, I place it exactly at the second half of the Tamzarian episode.