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    I’ll admit, I’m being a bit reductive in calling this latest open-world Avatar game “just Far Cry.” But after about six hours of playing through the first quests and early side adventures, I can’t help but shake the feeling that I’ve played this before.

    All of the endings are a downer. It’s the nature of the Cyberpunk life. Phantom Liberty’s take on the end delivers a helluva gutpunch, though.

    Yeah, I’m just not a participant in that discourse, so I’m clueless as to how to judge the shoes. I hope those who wanted them love ‘em!

    iirc the dives are still in slow motion. But you still feel that build up of momentum, the better you do

    Didn’t mind the new suit, except the new shoes. Just seems a lil.... product-placement-y. But I’m not a part of sneaker culture, so I figured it’s probably going over well for those who are — and if so, cool.

    While Rockstar’s Max Payne 3 offered a shooter experience more resonant with contemporary third-person shooters—witness its tighter, “over-the-shoulder” aiming and cover mechanics, for example—the older games, having been released in 2001 and 2003, were uninfluenced by the trends established by Gears of War and Reside

    a beautiful new 2.5HD look in the vein of Octopath Traveler. They don’t always retain the vibrant colors and compositions of the original pre-rendered scenes.

    Sidney was getting smoked by Nancy when I voted, and by a couple hundred votes. Impressive comeback.

    and probably should

    While its possible Smash’s largest cultural impact is it’s competitive scene, it could also be very very true that its most profitable form is as a casual/party game.

    Keeping Smash Bros alive in cultural awareness will always benefit long-term sales.

    Sony has the money to pull it off. Kojima Productions, not so much. But Sony could hire them.

    What makes Nintendo unique is a double edged sword: they live in their own bubble, insulated from the fads in the larger world, pursuing their own crazy whims, and so they come up with genuinely new ideas that no one would ever think of.

    Can they do a good port of MGS4?

    For as much of a distaste as I have for consolidation, Konami’s acquisition would a blessing to gamers everywhere

    I distinctly remember really disliking it. Very slow pace, and repetitive gameplay and puzzles. Any allure of the “next-gen graphics” quickly dissipated as you explored the same looking dingy environments and fought the same looking enemies over and over again. We didn’t know it at the time, but it was the harbinger

    It does reek of PS2 era — too many games to count, so many games we’ve never heard of, and some of them truly awful.

    People acting like airbrushing is new, just because AI is doing it now. Pfft. It’s not impressive, it’s dull.

    There a bit more detail, but it no longer looks like the actor. It genericized the character.

    Ahsoka has its flaws, but even haters have to admit that by its midway point the series had abandoned any potential plodding plots and carved away at the excess fluff