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    “I have a slight issue with Venom being Harry, largely due to his lack of buildup for the role of Venom himself,” MrBojanglesIV wrote in a separate thread. “My issue with Harry is that we’ve seen no prior evidence of any kind of drive to pursue Peter as Venom as a person. As far as we know him and Peter have been

    It’s as anecdotal as what the whiners are saying, but these numbers largely match up with my experience (though the women percentage on the PS5 is disconcertingly low — gotta get those numbers up, Sony!). Gaming feels more diverse than ever, and much better for it. I do not miss the ‘good ol’ boys club.’ It was oh so

    I was never a fan of his, but to be fair to those who were, in those pre-2016 years, Assange was positioning himself as similar to Daniel Ellsberg. Today, he’s more obviously a Russian asset — especially insofar as he selectively leaks material based on who Russia wants to come out on top of a political contest,

    I imagine the people in charge of these API decisions — who, I’m assuming, are the business execs not familiar with the technical side — won’t notice. So I hope, come July 1st, these same subreddits go dark indefinitely, until reddit undoes this insanity. 

    It has enough to differentiate itself from the peak brown era of mid-00's gaming, but that isn’t saying much. The color grading is still considerably more muted than FF’s past, and the characters are ‘realistic’ rather than distinct from one another. Not exactly hyped to play another dark-haired brooding dude. I had

    Well, there’s two concerns there of course:

    I may be skeptical of this whole “mature tone” business

    Everything on the internet is ephemeral; eventually, greed takes down every site, every service, every game....

    it’s very good and probably the one I’d go to if I wanted to replay the game - but jeez those original cel-shaded graphics still look so good all these years later.

    Nintendo’s insistence on reselling the same games to us over and over again would be more tolerable if those games were readily available, and close to the same technical state that emulation offers.

    At least with torrents there’s a stopgap.

    I’m guessing a lot of this will end up on FAST, for whatever mild consolation that is

    Just retire the OT already. Disney could’ve KOTOR’d this whole thing and created a whole new and distinct saga a millennia apart from the first story. Star Wars could’ve been a proper anthology, but nooooo, we gotta keep dragging nostalgia into this because Rogue One or some such.

    Assuming the ports aren’t buggy, sign me the fuck up. I’m ready for the Autumn of Metal Gear.

    Last time I replayed the Halo franchise — hell, prob 9 years ago now — I actually liked Cortana. It felt like they executed what Library was supposed to be, but without actual art direction, and purpose (and vastly superior pacing).

    Now playing

    I don’t quite get why. I liked Twin Snakes plenty.

    MGSV differed in tone, and Snake talked a lot less, so they could get away with losing Hayter. But the original trilogy? Has to be Hayter. Anything else would be a pantomime.

    why 3 and not just remake 1? or 2 if you consider that 1 was already remade in twin snakes.

    I’m much more excited for the original trilogy being re-released, I must say. I’ve been waiting for easy access to the original MGS since I beat MGSV, way back in... 2015, damn. Time flies.

    A 16-year-old boy! Sixteen-year-old boy with, like, a hot teacher. I mean—what was the Van Halen song? “Hot for teacher?” That was written about this! It wasn’t about, “Hey, let’s have a responsible relationship with someone close to my age.”