Ovidiu GOA

Just adding Racing Games (sans wheel) for the Controller camp and MOBAs for the M/KB...


but its kind of ironic that the internet still gives it so much attention thus feeding into its popularity

Fitting though, as CDPR and specifically Witcher 3 were often used by commenters and clickbaiters to shit on other studios and games in the same way.

I don’t really agree at all. I feel like you’re mistaking a distinctly Korean style for “soulless” or something. BDO is a shit game, don’t get me wrong, but it’s absolutely not any more or less “soulless” or “barren” than dozens of MMOs, so like if that was a general point about MMOs I could see it, but a specific

Yeah, perspective time: CDPR delayed their game several times too, each time citing the same “we want to get it right” rhetoric before ultimately releasing it in the state it was in.

Too bad when they promised entertainment for years, CDPR hadn’t realized how right they would be.

Well, if one thing’s for sure, dunking on Cyberpunk is a great way to get video game blogs to basically just reprint your press release while heaping loads of additional praise on the developer.

BDO is universally criticized for it’s predatory monetization. Dozens of gaming forums and Youtube videos regularly condemn Kakao Games for prioritizing fixing issues with problems linked to the cash shop while ignoring in-game bugs for years. I’d rather wait 5+ years for CD Projekt Red to fix Cyberpunk than to

His success really boils down to his appealing to the lowest common denominator. And 12 year old boys. They’re rampant on Youtube.

I think Unity struggles because of the rendering of the crowds and stuff, it does demand a lot of computational resources. But I don't think they are exaggerating...

I have had stalkers and restraining orders issued in the past, I have had people show up on my doorstep when my personal information was HARD to get. To have my location revealed to the world would give a entry point for a few mentally ill people who have fixated on me, and allow them to show up and make good on the

I don't understand at all your argument. Crowd-funding is a means to get funded and the people who funded it didn't lose out on anything by having FB own Oculus.

Well Notch shouldn't be spreading such comments and should never have stopped working with Oculus if he was so easily willing to sell out his own products and companies to big companies as well.

I don't know if he was like this during the entire presentation, but I will assume he wasn't or it wouldn't have been largely productive. At least for this section, however, it was very much deserved. Notch pretty much destroyed any credibility over industry politics he had as he sold out and after calling the kettle

I guess I'll never pay more than $10.00 for another one of Cliff's games then.

Lol charity. They spend 99.999999% on the events and flip a nickle to a homeless guy on their way out. ANY charity that does these events is a fraud and should be shut down, and the people who run it legally reamed out. Full stop.

i think during situations where both sides agree to battle, they should agree to only bring in enough ships to fight, but not enough to slow time. this is clearly not one of those times as it would appear this was a seizing the opportunity of weakness kind of thing. i still just couldnt imagine myself enjoying a game

Reality check. They could build cars that got over 150mpg - backyard home builts, in the 70s so this isn't so amazing. Cars are the only things that don't improve. Been selling us the same cars with doors, tires and an engine that gets around 30mpg since 1980. This absolutely is done on purpose. Other than cell phones

1. If we're at the level of having this discussion I shouldn't have to be so precise; you should know what no resistance in space and thrust vectoring imply. All I was doing was correcting your statement that said you just keep sliding one way, because that's not necessarily true. You'll start moving in a new