Ovidiu GOA

I can't speak for the US but it's definitely more expensive to eat unhealthily here in the UK. You can buy 1kg of frozen vegetables for about £1.

As water supplies dwindle, that produce will get even more expensive, and fast.

What the people who are demonizing this lady will never be able to hide from the public is the fact that the next time you go to Europe, you can count the number of obese people in your departure airport and then compare them to the number of obese people in your destination airport. Last time I went to Europe I

As for "beans, rice, oats, pasta, tins of tuna" being able to "keep people alive," would you be happy with that diet? If that was all I had to eat I would be depressed, honestly.

You probably took a lot of shit for this but I agree wholeheartedly. I would also add, just because a burger is $.99 doesn't mean you can then eat 5 of them in a sitting. A burger, fries, and water is about 800 calories. 2 meals of that a day, while not health, will not make you obese.

Seconded. It's such a canard that healthy means "organic vegetables from Whole Foods." To take an (admittedly extreme example), the late, great Nan Kempner was famous for serving frozen spinach at every opportunity — including A-list dinner parties.

Oh thanks for twisting everything I said moron, I never said giving up soda would make the world fit, I said that doing simple changes like cutting out soda and fries and walking or jogging regularly would make a lot of overweight people less overweight. I never said a thing about "all" of them

Your situation is certainly a difficult one, without doubt. But when you are poor, you don't have money, so you have to spend time. You mend your own clothes, you make your own cleaning products, you will find every fucking kind of way you can to save money. Yes, you might lose sleep. But you'll save money. One

You work three jobs with no time cook or shop and are still below the poverty line? How?? Full time minimum wage puts you $3000 above the poverty line.

Banditalamode, I'm not defending Kang, but your idea that eating healthy is expensive is ludicrous. I think there is a core lack of understanding on your own behalf and many other people too that perptuates the idea that eating healthy is a luxury. I eat organic and extremely healthy on $7 a day. That is $2 a meal! I

That's just an ignorant excuse. Eating less and walking are free.

The people buying candy/combos/bugles/tahitian treat hawain punch soda/shit... with their EBT cards/ Welfare moneys are the worst. How the fuck is the government paying for that pack of Rollos? There are not many places in major cities, fuck, even minor cities that there isn't a legitimate grocery store within a few

Do you walk the two miles back down hill? Because that could be the problem.. just sayin.. or maybe your body is really bored with walking those 2 miles up hill every day and you should try some different exercise/ longer distance/ sprint-walk-jog combos... anything that ACTUALLY challenges you. Have a great day!

There are no frills gyms that are like $10 per month. Some cities also have community centers with gym equipment that charge less. Gyms aren't that expensive - you just have to look.

I am so sick of seeing this argument that heating healthy is expensive, a pack of frozen vegetables is like $1-$3 and that can easily be filling with some rice which is super cheap. I know (from personal experience) that a McDonald's "value" meal will run you at least $5-7 per person. Let's be real here and say that

I don't understand how "healthy" is considered expensive. All it takes is eating basic staples and avoiding all the processed junk and packaged stuff. Staples like beans, rice, oats, pasta, tins of tuna can keep a person alive. You don't even need to own a fridge to keep that stuff. I've even been able to body build

I understand your point, but whenever this argument comes up it makes me wonder what choices people are making when shopping. Bear with me for a moment. I live in Los Angeles and am able to find an impressive selection of fresh produce at the 99 cent only stores scattered across the city. The delivery days for my

But I think most unhealthily overweight people are not so poor that they can't afford real food. You don't need to eat expensive foods that are the absolute healthiest, or circuit train to not be obese...

Blackface is a distinctly American insult. It's insulting because of American minstrel shows where white people played terribly insulting caricatures of black people to make other white people laugh. This isn't the same kind of insult for a French person, it's just tacky and stupid looking.

I don't know what I think, other than "pnuemonia and anemia" is a weird combination to kill two separate people 5 months apart, who were young and otherwise healthy. Right? That seems weird.