
Oh, you.

In this context you wouldn’t have caught the joke if it reached out and backhanded you.

“Not hiring” is a succinct way of putting it.

+5 interlocking rings


“Screw you! (And pass the Centrum Silver.)”

The word was used once, in relation to the role he may have been expected to fill on the team. Never in relation to the stories of what happened with his girlfriend or about his dismissal. Try reading the article again.

Your douchebag membership packet is, shall we say, in the mail

What about them? You’d rather open a “correctly sized” bag of chips with no air inside, to find ONLY CRUMBS, for Christsakes?

Not that it ultimately matters, but to me this reads as a guy-guy scenario...

Making the bed is for OCD or image-conscious losers, but open ends of pillowcases facing INWARD (“hiding” against each other) is by far the cleaner, more professional look.


19 by Nicklaus, and it took you longer to post the question than it would have to just Google it. If lazy was your real excuse, i’d call it another name.

Sports in the last 3 days have been a tribute to Pat Summit, and the “Doc & Darryl” 30 for 30

I really didn’t think you were this guy. Going to the cross for a not well thought-out comment when the well thought-out replies come back at you.

Technically you have no idea whether you’re, or indeed your, is the correct word to use while (incorrectly) trying to correct someone else's sentence structure.

Yep, sure, go ahead. We’re waiting.

“...and the raise that usually comes with.”

Given the elite level of play, and the highly contentious nature of this rivalry, I hope the lead official was prepared to hand out a “Red Card Special” all through the night.

Doesn’t seem like a small pitch at all...