
+1 Star for your handle

We need an update on the ball girl who took one to the throat area... I know she seemed to stay active somewhat after that... but definite cause for concern !!

which other car crash did you witness?

Not even going to look it up, you forgot .5


Headlining comment here

Hitting “publish” without proofreading is weird ALL the time

“The stadium might not get paid off until 2113, by which time, who knows, an earthquake could send the stadium back into the earth or football as we know it might be dead.”

No you wrote #4 and then listed 2 other names.

That was never the “as if” scenario.

“Football and sports can be a powerful thing.”

You’ve been on such a tear lately, and by “tear” I should really say “probable crank-induced flurry of Thumb Diahrrea” that I was automatically ready to dismiss any point you might accidentally make... but then I saw you’re a Lebatard fan so you get a pass.


This is a correct interpretation

Making this quick, fuck all the way off

Just had to take the extra effort to show a bunch of strangers how limited your thought processing can be... thanks, I guess?

THIS is the hill you chose to die on... on a playoff football Sunday... because why exactly ?

This deserves no stars or special recognition, other than to mention how wrong you sound.

The classic “I Stopped Reading After The Headline” take. Well done!

Where will you be watching the game, Mrs. Nelson?