
well, that and your overwhelming bias.

“It’s even lazier”

In October, November, December, January, February, March, or the first week of April? They’ll feel like Napoleon’s troops crossing Russia. Bring it.

“I heard A Boston sports radio caller theorize that ... THEIR reasoning was ...”

Your commenting hits-to-misses ratio is way above the curve... But this take had its flames extinguished by 2007 (at the very latest).

+ BestSpinsInBaseball

But since Not One of you would even dream of rescinding any of those WS titles to the team/s which you deemed “better” than yours... You’re getting more and more preposterous every time you double down on this god-awful take.

This rock is really heavy, and i’m not sure if i’ll ever be able to climb out from under it — but when did we start listing “best teams in each sport by season” instead of “Championship teams in each sport by season” ?!?!!1!


The problem is, fuck Zack Hample apologists.

100% fucktard. On a holiday weekend, even!

you ARE an idiot.

and you’re “one of those” who gets 40+ stars for saying nothing of practical value.

He’s convinced me...


You had Zero direct sources to what you were claiming.

I don’t think “direct source” means what you think it means.

Profound stuff

I have used the phrase “I’ll never forget when” too many times, but I will never forget the 2003-2004 college basketball season as the one which cemented my new (and correct) perspective on womens’ sports. My parents had season tickets to the Minnesota Lady Gophers, and I had just been released from 90 days of house

Thank you for this.