And you did it already, before (with the comma).
And you did it already, before (with the comma).
As a Giants fan, just be eternally grateful that “Helmet Catch” wasn’t somehow botched to keep #19-0 a thing.!.
The casino industry is fully in favor of your line of thinking.
It’s a very boring life to have February through mid-August off every year... Unless you want to get started in some “recreational” pastimes, and wouldn’t the overall product be Much Worse??
err, wait. “One call, that’s all” is definitely Glen Lerner.
A Yeoman’s work you did there, Mr./Ms. crawfish
thick layers of troll frosting on this cake
TOO much, and drastically not enough; at the same. blessed. time.
Except the part(s) where nothing on Death Row is expedited; every potential legal challenge is given the strictest appeal, this is where the attorney teams join forces... The $-$ equivalence is not there
Throwgasm has also been used as the term for comparable measure the whole time! Crazy, right?
How old were you? ...Nevermind, it was “Coming To America” (and they appeared topless from underneath the jacuzzi bubbles).
how meta !!
because it’s a joke, in a joke column.
We all have to belong to something ...
+ 120 / 240
Isn’t that the point of answering every joke attempt with a Simpsons .gif ?
Kinja auto-corrects “Favre pick” to “Favre pic”, the irony!!1!
We knew how much you cared.
That was “playing it fast and loose” with the joke, so in this unique circumstance your stars and +1s are somewhat aligned.