You set up well for yourself, sir.
You set up well for yourself, sir.
"Here's video of the brawl:"
...And they would promptly be reminded that "call and raise" is the most profoundly dumb poker phrase that ever leaked from a movie into real life.
I was dunked on by Nate Holmstadt AND Joel Pryzbilla, during a HS Varsity career (1993-95) which totaled 4 points. A free throw in a first-round playoff loss (in garbage time) my junior year, and a 3-pointer in the final minute of the 2nd quarter of more garbage time my senior year.
Tag team pairing with the most recent of Squash masters, Tyson Kidd, is definitely NOT it.
Umm... Ever heard of "The Mouth Of The South"??
Leviticus, Numbers...
Still following it, however
LULZ @ MLB as "The Pure Game" (and the GIANTS even!) you clown.
We're staring another "3/5th's" joke right in the eyes, people!!
But Madden '08 will exist forever!
you sure did.
Jesus H. Christmas, I made the most concise and funny joke in this entire comment section - and I get 1 star and remain buried. Timothy, do I have to blackmail with photo evidence of you in Las Vegas — or can we just straighten this up on the "down low"?
Each and every "I don't get it" post deserves AT LEAST one "Of course you don't" reply.
-Edelman's Tinder GF
You know how the "comment approval" system works?
Go far away, scamp!
Do you need to get into spelling and grammar? Yes.
Bull. Fucking. Shit. All the way up and down.