
Is this one of those word puzzles where you tell the other person to read it out loud, and laugh at them when they mistakenly skip the extra word?

Keep waitin', brah...

"TAKE IT OFF"!!??!

Few months ago, there was a quite pretentious lass who sang FOUR guy-group (or male solo act) songs in a row where I was...

CAT DUAN (P.S. Edition) !

I was "never a cat person" until I got to live with 2 females from the same litter, 1.5 years old. Completely changed my outlook. They wore themselves out (in the best possible way) every day and night without making too much noise or damaging ANYTHING in the house. And we got to play with them in the meantime.

I tried the open box technique, which had been accidentally successful in the past, but minimally so this time - I also came across the TV series "My Cat From Hell" on Netflix (I would best describe my Eugene as "in Purgatory" since he doesn't do anything destructive, just bored) and it completely changed my view on

Thank you for the reply! My "Eugene" doesn't engage with the Q-tips, but I've stumbled upon the TV series "My Cat From Hell" (Animal Planet via Netflix) and I've discovered ways to get him to engage with me on the mouse toys already in place — and I'm about to go shopping for a wall-shelf construction that gives him

isn't "Staying Awake" the favorite?

"You're overzealous hatred of a great ball club with good fans is staggering.... You were hoping to be the devil's advocate and lure in a huge group of dirty rednecks that would trash talk in countless broken sentences and misspelled words."

Like that Blunt (long ago), your opinion has, as they say... "ashed out".


It is disappointing. You missed nothing.

Vegas DUAN!

Vegas DUAN!

Vegas DUAN!

When his attorneys took their turns, the locker-room 8-ball unequivocally landed on "Concentrate And Ask Again".

...and the "Chyron Fail" search string has thus been supplemented by a new "Chyron Success".

City Pages : Minneapolis media :: Deadspin : National Media

He's in a slightly better place than, say, had it been a Mob connected infant - what with this glaring spotlight and all - but I'd venture that with this particular sick fuck, it wouldn't have made the life or death difference.