
That's the way my momma taught it

It's as if you strive to miss, or just got so delusional you think shit like this will actually float.

It's "yeoman's work" you do, sir.

Too Soon; Didn't Comprehend

Still plenty of time to submit that pick for the "2014 Dead Pool", amirite...!

That is one helluva trip you're on!

To anyone actually using the article as a means of catching up on this game -

Meh, you do NOT get it.


Thanks for this... And it's been some time now.

Hmm... Thought you would "get" that.

Hmm... Thought you would "get" that.

Well — it was a joke top of a really good joke, I now realize (J/K) there are a bunch of you who wouldn't get it.

USC 50
ucla 0

My great-grandchildren resent that opinion!!1!

Let it rain. Apparently "we" [Yeah, '00 POSC/BUAD degrees in-hand, my SLMA monthly statements and I own the possessive pronoun] were let off too easy in the Reggie Bush aftermath, as evidenced by me crushing the Vegas lines throughout the '11 season.

Almost a haiku !!

Yay - join the crusade against vertical video. :-)

You can watch vertical and horizontal videos, separately or side-by-side, and still have this question?

Quite the "P.S."