
Can we send you back to the minors?... Lots of (yes, LOTS OF) sub-mediocre content from you this entire month. I know it's call-up time and all, but Smoak is far beyond that point in his career as well.

We all know that "del, /del" is the Most Effective strategy to recap soccer, Offensively.

2:50 mark

C'mon now... It was hysterectomy all the way!


Last time Raysism wasted an awesome bat-flip...

Now playing

How many team-moms (100%) or general-population females in attendance (35%) who didn't "get it" still tickles my funny bone. I put "Enter Sandman" in the middle (BOO, TOO OBVIOUS says Magary) and this as the closer:

Next time you have to put your name down at the Olive Garden...

Living on the Pacific (time zone), when I am too late to join the DUAN thread, I enjoy recently starring comments on threads/posts made during my "Deadspin hiatus" (Memorial Day —> July 15th) while I dealt the World Series of Poker

Now playing

If you're ever in Las Vegas, and want to hear a karaoke version of "blow your mind":

Now playing

As one of the two HS Seniors on my basketball team NOT named a captain (insert political blah blah here), I was given — rather, I stole — the title of "Captain of pre-game mix tape". This was 1994, so a mix-tape was exactly what it was: a cassette montage of hype-songs that would allegedly get us fired up enough to

Well in keeping with the theme and title of this article - this dialogue is a shit show.

The over-abundant message here, is...

We are all "the richer" for this.

I'd say "Not Guilty!".

-Tie Domi

Nice, but you were supposed to let Iron Mike Gallego go first.

Where is Eric Nesterstinko, G-Dammit?!!

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