
Deadspin is still viewable in the Mountain time zone... Unfortunately it reads more like "Deadspin Up All Evening (at the nursing home)"

The AFL-CIO requests your presence at a Mr. James Hoffa's bone-excavation ceremony, Thursday evening at the approximate time of the 4th quarter tip at Memphis

You were always better than that.


Send your questions to Albert with the subject "Feedbag," and you will get answers.

Troll takes trolling a little too far off the ledge; can't (Won't) rein it in after getting called out across the board... Moves into "bat-shit crazy" mode instead. It's the same as choosing an insanity defense in court, merely as the best option to get off the hook.

Won't be you

Baby Daddy


Possibly trying to wash away the shit-stains off of those he "left behind"


Frat terms?...

Except you just dis-proved your entire thesis by saying in 160 words, what could be said in 35 or less.

What a bunch of bullshit. How ironic, that your entire "op-ed article" - a skeletal replacement that now passes for what previously would have been dismissed in favor of a true commentary - is exactly representative of what the modern print media's transition, and USA Today, is all about. You MUST be using this forum

Since you inferred that you've never been to Deadspin before, I will politely mention that is from a "guest" writer and not a regular member of the staff. There are some quality writers here (the percentage up-ticked slightly with Isaac Rauch's departure).

-5 (five-minute rounds)

...Stuck between choice (A) "try harder" and (B) "stop trying".

Not sure how you came up with asking the question on a comment board (exposing your ignorance), and waiting for a reply - as a better alternative to asking Google search, receiving 15,000 hits in 1.28 seconds and saving face. That is all.

"LESS THAN half"

I see what you did there...