
Would have been WAY better for you to just take the "someone missed a bad joke" angle right up at the top, instead of what turned into this hot-air balloon crash of a defense. Although you only show it about half the time, most of us know you're capable of better.

Kim Jong Il is dead.


Would you rather plagiarize and regurgitate the "we are all dumber for having listened to —-" blast, over and over, or come up with something of your own?... We know the answer, and most of us are a little sharper than you give credit for.

You sure you didn't mean to type that into a Google search bar instead?

You're building quite the foundation of "unable to express a coherent thought" - keep it up!


No, (only) you correctly counted to two in this instance.

what a coincidence - not only did I have this CD playing just 15 minutes ago on the drive home from work, but I belted out every lyric along with "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite" (my favorite song on that album) at full volume.


Generally, avoiding "Section 245" or higher remedies that situation

"Close enough for a Genessee" ...

Required reading, but +1 nonetheless

Eh.... Watch it 26 more times


Cross-platform troll should get the hint shortly...

You the blaze-orange haired, or lime-green haired troll?

Proper "Their / There / They're" usage never hurts...

So sexy

Sucky ignoramus is ignorant, and sucks