
Rosacea is SOOO sexy!!!

"You guys are kind of like CBS"

Dive a little deeper; the City of Arlington owns the facility being played in... Not too difficult to negotiate a term of use wherein they have final say over what the venue will be called, or referred to as...

Animal lover here, but domesticated pets (and their owners) have a specific "place", if you will: Zero Tolerance to abusing the social contract.




Option 1 is by far the "worst" choice. you articulate yourself as a compassionate person, which makes me wonder why you aren't considering the (potential) next victim who would suffer the same fate as you by not reporting this.

Except it was ripped off from a different Photoshop contest not even 2 months ago


Your inner voice is a source of reason, and inspiration. I already like him 1000% more than I like you.

The truest formula ever concocted for why you even bother submitting a post.

You deflect worse than a bug-smattered windshield in Iowa on MLB All-Star Weekend

Uncanny! The moment I see your reply, while I listen to Cowherd spout his "Jordan needed Cartwright, LeBron needed Bosh, Cuban needed the DJIA" rant ā€” the truth washes over me...

Um... The ruse to get the knives without "AROUSING" suspicion.

Somewhat of a stretch, but.. Better than what Raysism diahhreas out

Envisioned: Man solely yukking it up at his own joke.

Isn't that the god's-honest tru ā€”

Ehh... not quite