

Off to an un-inspired start (again) this morning!

and yet, here you are...

Ever heard of a 'Dame' by the name of Cleopatra ??!!?!1?1!

Nyuk, Nyuk, ... dammit IMG, give us something to play for.

Lemme guess... You were dying for that "Deleted Scene" from The Big Lebowski?

-triple 5 for the blatant obviousness

Mike Tice was a TE's coach who owes every other NFL job he had, from that point forward, to Red McCombs - yes, the sheisty used-car saleman who took everything "wrong" with the WalMart economic model and applied it to ownership of an NFL franchise (Vikings).

If you live in North Carolina, and your "Sup" is a football fan... About 4.5 grams seems appropriate.

Strong opinion here: Don't use one. If you physically cannot keep your GPS-enabled cell phone on your person while doing whatever mysterious task that can't quite disguise stalking the neighborhood... Are you afraid of being beaten down and only able to press a "Summon help" button? I mean, have you seen how many of

Nonono, that was "Erg, ranked *-#6-* in Deadspin Commenter of the Year".

+5.5 inches

To: Raysism, From: Everyone, a pine box - because that's how they did it "back then"

That's, um... Not the right Eddie Murray.

I am still trying to figure out how to edit my Top 20 DS commenters list to include you, my apologies!


I'll go first —

2x4 To The Dome DUAN—:

Gravy. Like the un-intentional, intentional walk; a precise amount of gravy that allows for a complete wash-out of cranflavor, leaving enough left over to cover potatoes and meat, as well as that amount which is sufficient as to not piss off Mr. Burneko.

Mmm yeah and "Jolly Holidays"