
And all this time, I've been delving into a possible 'DaVinci Code'-esque meaning found between the "Bring Back" and "Mason" ... And now to you find out you're a self-loather who keeps his Chanukah in a box??!?

Raysism, although making every attempt not to, still remembers 1962.

Cue it up... On next week's DHF:

I "think" I hear an echo...

Responding to THIS comment in concurrence.

Yes sir.

I could have thought of this!!1!


Oops, Dave B, so whiffed the mark on this one that I actually like the "My sister makes $1,110 a week from her laptop" posts better than yours. See any number of 'incidental' contact plays involving ankles, calves, forearms, and (yes indeed) buttocks brushing together with a defender on an interception, just to name

This I can go for... +1

AOBTS' short-man complex is causing him to hate your "biting his style", thus no +1 from him (or me sorry)

Berto-Guerrero was mildly enthralling, what with the AARP ref and all, didn't see what else was available for our viewing pleasure. (Ricky Hatton's comeback was a blurb on the SportsCenter bottom line.)

"goal line stand" (as you and the commentator so un-eloquently state) ended with a short pass to a wide-open fullback who put both hands on the ball, tucked and rolled while keeping the ball off the turf, and released it (with an opportunity to re-gain possesion!) all the while being touched by no member of the

If I had skipped my 5-year reunion, like I should have, maybe I would have attended the 10-year and 15-year...

+1 a fantastic Catch (and TD upheld after further review)

6+6+6=18; 1+8=9

It was to "their" left...

Judging by the post, I'd guess you are the LAST one to notice him.

-70 (words of inaccurate blather)

Intricate. +1