
You hit my feelings squarely on the head.

I have a KickStarter unit but haven't used it yet.

The secondary use of this technology is, of course, military in nature.

Puppy Approves.

This looks interesting, but I'll check with Alton Brown * before I get one.

In that case, you're invited vinylrake

I agree with all, but my best sound system in in my car. I swear I never heard anything so good. Of course it is a trade-off with my 7" screen. Wonder if I could drive into my home theater?

Excellent as always Albert. I'd say spring a couple of grand (pennies) for a nice crusty loaf of French/Sourdough/Other bread and Bob's your uncle. Your recipes are what the Internet was invented for.

After the radiation disaster...we sidled up to the granite (outgassing Radon-222) bar and drank until the walls went transparent.

If you are drinking Budweiser you deserve to get caught.

My cat would have convinced me to stay home and cuddle.

But a cat has got your ass covered.

Cats. Because

This is how I store my brake systems at night also.

Who is she?

Good luck!

OK, it's been some time since this post but I was objecting to the statement (as I read it) that hot water would come to a solid state "before" cold water would. But I don't disagree that the heat loss rate is higher with "hot" water.