She is as cute as a bug’s ear.
She is as cute as a bug’s ear.
Sewall-Belmont House & Museum
While I understand, I don’t like your term “responsibility-evading white men the world over”. There are all kinds of responsibility-evading people in this world and to call out white men as unique to that trait is disingenuous. Is he white and male? Yes But are his actions typical of while males? No.
Thank you very much Dave Greenbaum! I got your app from Amazon (Smile!) and will spend time with it over the next several days and add (a well informed) review on Amazon. As an aside I did install Bluetooth Finder and was able to "hide" and "find" my Misfit Shine on my Verizon Samsung 4S. The app was also able to…
Agreed. And I personally dislike "So you're a parent again." When a second (or later) child is born. Also I do think grandparents are the worst in in vein with "I'm going to be a grandparent again."
Wow elguapoperro you should write a book. I'm thinking open carry (packing heat) when I do my shopping from now on. Now I have to learn gang colors so the produce manager doesn't stab me.
What a great insider's story elguapoperro. Being male, old, and who knows what else I will say I was never stalked. My luck.
That's great. Just act like you own the place and strut on in. Happy hunting.
Thanks for the link JoshN Isn't this cool?
Thank you BlueBeetle They have a fairly good cross selection of meats, produce, fish, and cooking "gear". The place is industrial to say the least, but I find the prices good and where else could I buy a whole goat? *
Excellent comment Miyaa I have a membership at Restaurant Depot which has locations in 27 states. While the store is a "Members-Only Wholesale Cash & Carry Foodservice Supplier," and to get the free membership card one has to present a business license, I'll share a secret with you. I went online to the state of…
Now, I'm sure many of you have just completed a vigorous, protracted spit-take and are now wiping the coffee/gin/Yoo-Hoo from your monitors. A stop light. Not a brake light. Keep in mind, there hasn't been a new innovation in taillight function since 1986's Center High Mount Stop Lamp — and I'm sure all of you…
Thank you both for your question and reminding me I was working on this. I haven't gotten back to it, but I'll make sure any issues I have aren't related to the wrong path. Thanks again!
Being a 35 year resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia I have experienced far too many conservative voices speaking hatefully of others who aren't like them. Sometimes it's easy to hum a song with my hands over my ears, but sometimes that doesn't help. Last year we elected a governor and attorney general who…
Scandalous is misused here. "disgraceful; shameful or shocking; improper: scandalous behavior in public" "or causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law"
Yep! That's the real one.
I'm old enough for Julia Child, The Frugal Gourmet, and other early adapters. As with you I like Bobby Flay; especially how he has matured. Loved Emeril when he was on, he got a lot of people interesting in seeing what they could do in the kitchen. Thanks for your comment and look at all the names here:
Which woman are you talking about?