
FWIW you can find cheap spices in the "ethnic" aisle. Or at a mexican/asian grocery. They all come from the same place anyway.

I was going to add to the bulk buyer beneath you, a lot of times you get a discount when you buy over X pounds, that never seems to be advertized.

Also, consider buying less desirable cuts, meat with the bone in, and just cook it slower and lower. You'll end up with the same shredded/pulled meat at a fraction of the

Rocks don't die.

You've never heard of truffles, and you can operate a TV? What planet are you from?

Something about statistically significant.

Out of curiosity, what's your monthly fuel bill?

Nope. I never got around to engine mods when I had a rabbit. Upgraded to a TDI when I got a big boy job.

Now playing

Anything with 5 cylinders. Specifically cheap, the Rabbit/Golf. Throw a header on there and... well

Most overpriced shit ever. God that 46 is terrible.

The best black friday deal is staying home and not being part of the problem. You don't need more shit that you're just going to throw away in a year anyway.

Fried turkey is a perception altering experience.

That is bad ass

Fun is subjective. If you crash into the cars in front of you enough, you damage your radiator, the car overheats, and the engine nukes itself. That's how it should be.

Play some iRacing or RFactor and get a feel for real racing simulation. You need to pay attention to your tire temps, brake temps, how you are driving

That's life.

That's life.

We test drove a durango way back in 02 when my dad bought a sequoya. The durango had absolutely no passenger room in the back seat. I couldn't even sit in the back seat because of the extreme (no joke) lack of leg room.

I imagine they've fixed this by now, but it always tarnished my opinion.

Step 1, don't make it an ugly pos looking car.

I'm so hungry right now. FUCK YOU for this.

I support this thread.

You really shouldn't use that to sharpen, but rather reshape.