Now playing

Hone/Deburr it first, then on a marble/granite slab, you glue down your 4000, 8000, and 10,000 grit paper. Start at the 4000 and work your way up to the 10k.

The biggest issue is having a perfectly flat surface to work with, and maintaining the correct angle of the blade.

That gives you the ability to have a blade that

It's like someone took a new TC and made it uglier...

VW's "SnowFlake" light. Comes on when the temp gets down to 39*F and below, warns the driver of potential ice on the road surfaces...

It dings really loud and brightens up the display for 5 seconds when it comes on, successfully causing temporary blindness and deafness.

It's almost as useless as the damn TRACTION

Oil pressure is pretty damn important to keep up with in a sports car. Be glad it works.

Children. From Atlanta to Athens (Greece) I had a row of children in front of me, playing the entire overnight flight. It was the worst.

I will say this, at least the driver was smart enough to wreck and then get back onto the shoulder and out of the way of traffic.

But to actually have alcohol in your blood stream, it must be absorbed and on its way to the liver or kidneys. You don't instantly have a shot of 40% vodka in your blood when you take a shot of vodka. It gets digested, you absorb some of it, and go from there.

I would hazard a guess that the first few drinks are much

Which is exactly when someone would be kissing urinals....

You're not taking into account metabolizing the alcohol.

Why is everyone driving a jeep type vehicle? Was this some offroad park or group gtg or something?

That may be the Serum alcohol concentration, which is not BAC. Who knows. I find it hard to believe that anyone could possibly survive with 1% of the blood by volume being ethanol. Let alone be aware.

The way you act definitely depends on tolerance, but .08 is basically 2 5% beers in an hour. For most regular drinkers, .08 is a slight buzz.

I don't think that's possible. at .34 you succumb to alcohol poisoning, and past that you have a great chance of going into a coma or just kicking the bucket. There's no way you could have a 1% BAC and be living.

I have a feeling that test was done wrong.

Why does anyone care? It's got cheese and tomato sauce and basil and bread and meat and other delicious stuff. So long as the ingredients are high quality, it's going to be delicious. Who cares if it's a 10lb pizza or a 1lb pizza?

I'm sorry, but .08-.1 is not french kissing a urinal. That's more the DANCING OMG stage. a bit after that is the I love you Man stage. You're not kissing a urinal until you're in the upper .2's.


There are plenty of late 70's early 80's cars that can easily see 300k+ on stock internals. Even with being thrashed somewhat regularly. There are plenty of group B homs that see high mileage.

All in all though, a porsche with 100k+ is a sight to see and warrants respect.

That's almost Swedish Racing Green.... Almost.

I don't want to sound elitist or anything, abut 170k is not a lot of miles. Once you're in the 300+ range you can start to brag.

I'm pretty sure I still have one of my original hard drives from my first computer build in 04 in my box right now. I can't ever recall having a hard drive just stop working.