
This is going to sound dumb. But.

Can we just rebrand Abortion? It’s such a harsh word, maybe we can call it something more flowery and fun? Like... blumpflinging? idk

The true best argument, is to play dumb and force them to explain, in detail, why the believe what they believe.

They’ll tear themselves apart in a matter of minutes.

The best part was when the one lady was like “America is such a caring and loving country full of great people.” And then turned right around and said “But if you aren’t from here you need to gtfo”

It was just like, holy fuck do you even understand the words you’re speaking?

They just draw dicks in the sky.

Classy fuckin’ dicks.

I stopped reading there. That shook me. Unsurprisingly enough, they’ve forgotten who shut down the government just 5 years prior because they weren’t ok with a black man giving them everything they wanted - since it just simply wasn’t enough.

So you want gerrymandering to give minorities more say?

They went into “negotiations” with Obama, asked for 2.something trillion in a budget, and Obama said “sure, we can do all of this”. Then they came back and said “Democrats just wont compromise”

This magical selective amnesia thing is really spreading through the country. You should probably go see a doctor before you

I love how UAB is apparently leading the way.

Currently, in AL, the only way to get any sort of medically permissible CBD type treatment, is through the hospital @ UAB. Thankfully, it’s only a 3-ish hour drive from anywhere in the state. But still...

One step forward is one step forward. Keep rockin AL, I hate you and

And if y’all knew how much Fisher charged for literally everything they sell, your eyes would bulge out so far they’d hit the floor, roll down the curvature of the flat earth, and off the side into space.

I’d jump lower in the whiskey price bin, look at things like Rebel Yell or Mellow Corn that are sub $20 and not a hangover in a bottle. That bottle gives you 12'ish drink, while a 6 pack gives you 6. The price per serving isn’t important, its’ the price at the checkout and how much drunkenness you’re gonna have that

Compare the cost of a nice 6 pack, to the cost of a mediocre bottle of whiskey or whatever spirit you’d like, marketing involved behind those spirits, and youve got your answer.

We’re all broke, and we’re looking for the best bang for our buck - or in this case, the buzz per dollar. Beer just doesn’t get you anywhere

Exactly. Recognize what happened, and what role they both played, but don’t make excuses for something not under your control.

It’s not his fault the media ran with her being the bad guy. Could he have attempted to save her from some of the backlash? Sure. But why would he? They were coworkers for a single performance.

So like, why is any of that his problem? He was a paid performer, doing his job.

Is he contractually obligated to help failing artists? Through faults not his own? Should he beg forgiveness to the rest of N*SYNC since their careers all ended while his took off?

As an industry insider of 10ish years, If it’s anywhere that’s not fine dining, i’m all about you stacking the plates. Makes my job that much easier when I’m swinging by to pre-bus and give y’all a little space to chat over. The 30 seconds I save not trying to stack plates, play the “are you done or are you going to

It’s still way way way over-roasted. Even at their fancy pants golden starbucks on a hill in Seattle, the coffee is just plain bad. The only exception is when they pull off smaller batches and don’t burn the shit out of them, just for that one store.

It’s garbage coffee. I’ll drink tea before I drink starbucks coffee.

Had a discussion about this last week at work, about how JT destroyed Janets career and never once said he was sorry.

I just can’t find it in myself to believe that it was an accident. It was so blatantly planned it just hurts me to think people think it wasn’t. Ain’t nobody out there wearing fancy metalic pasties

If you travel this country, there’s nothing surprising about this at all.

Out here in the PNW, there’s pretty much no black people. Slink down the coast and you’ll get a bit more, but it’s still predominantly white/asian/hispanic.

Conversely, having grown up in the south, it’s mecca for POC. There are huge communities

When I bought my 11 TDI, I ordered it from the factory in 2010 - the last year of the a la carte ordering. I got what I wanted, but posed the question “Can I get a different color, I know they have them in Germany, i’ll gladly pay more”

And got an astounding no. Even though it’s made in the same factory, i’m stuck with

This has been my biggest issue with the new wave of electrified cars. Every automaker tries to make them stand out from their typical line up, and just about all of them fail, miserably.

We don’t need to be reminded that it’s a hybrid/electric car. It doesn’t need a quirky grill or funky c pillar window. Just make it