Nice work, Dave. Or is it Charley?

Yeah I’m a total Dame Lillard stan and I bring up the Kyrie winning percentage and general leadership stuff every chance I can because it’s the sharpest point of contrast between them.

The Cavs have been complete dogshit with Irving out there and LeBron not on the floor. Consistently, for years now.

Ooh, tough.

If you can be completely transparent with your wife beforehand and afterwards, maybe even laugh about the awkwardness of it together, then there’s no problem. If you’d want to start holding back details - even if nothing salacious or inappropriate happened, even if it’s just because you don’t want to go there in

If you have thirty-two people in a group, and you’re name-checking the shittiest of them, and you get through eight or nine without even mentioning Jerry Richardson...man, that’s a really shitty group of people.  

Yeah I’m sure it will be cool, and I love astronomy shit, but I might very well be the Portland resident referenced in the letter who’s content with a mere 99.4% totality in his backyard, instead of sitting for the whole day in gridlocked traffic crawling in and out of bumfuck towns that have a hundred thousand

Let’s all do him the solid of only picturing him in the glory days of his youth. That kind of muscle at a young age doesn’t always age well.

I saw that list, immediately thought, “But it’s spelled ‘Garrard’,” and then spent a few minutes weeping at my life choices.

Nice job Dom!

I assume it was an unintentional typo but the thought of the NFL employing a ‘distract attorney’ (or a whole team of ‘distract attorneys’) is fucking perfect.

It’s like the NBA equivalent of the Redman episode of Cribs.

Similarly, I stopped doing math because it made my head hurt.

Sure, the Wendy’s on 7th in Southeast, the Wendy’s on North Main, the Wendy’s by the airport....

It’s a real trend among super rich executive fucks to have an old flip phone or Nokia or something blatantly pre-smartphone as their primary device.

None, I’m a Mariners fan.

I don’t know how to cope with having my favorite young MLB player a fucking Yankee.

Hosting the Olympics may not make money for the city in general but it definitely enriches select individuals.

My worst edible stories all revolve around boozing to my usual extent after ingesting. Because the edible is still kicking THC into your system for hours, it ends up being the equivalent of getting drunk then taking a few hits - which is a terrible idea, always.