You make a Power(ful)Point.

Can you imagine a world in which there were no hypothetical situations?

Replying to your own post is poor form I know, but that was a reductive joke...and as an unabashed Sheed fan I feel compelled to add, for the benefit of those who may not have had Sheed playing in your hometown or for a team you root for, that for all his T’s and other BS on the court, the dude is actually kind of a

Sheed 2020!

Black people, amirite???

I know a few people who work in marketing at EA. They are real humans who are just as saddened by this news as anyone. People don’t automatically start being terrible the moment a corporation cuts them a paycheck. They usually stay exactly who they are.

Gathering of the Juggalos is in Kansas this year?

I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.


The problem with most alternative histories of Portland’s off-season is that they’re completely unworkable. Myers, Crabbe, and Harkless were all RFAs that Portland matched after hitting the cap with ET and Festus. If you don’t sign those three guys then you don’t get to spend that money somewhere else. You’re just

Not only that, it seems like the writers he did get are languishing. I was a huge fan of Danny Kelly on SBNation but his stuff on the Ringer just isn’t hitting for me at all.

He definitely failed in the transition from “hey guys I’m just like you, only with a column” to “hey guys NBA players and TV stars come to hang out at my LA mansion, but I’m still just like you.”

I agree - totally hyped as “the future” of things but the reality always falls far short. He seems to have a hard time getting out of his own way and craps the bed at inopportune times. Hard to take him seriously when he looks like a twelve-year-old.

Portlander here. It’s definitely ‘farting all the time,’ at least in my little part of town.

This is my only comfort right now. Had we elected Hilary, we’d be bracing for four years of impeachment hearings (subject matter TBD) and more gridlock, plus her taking the fall for the inevitable pending recession.

But on the other hand AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

I posted this comment knowing full well it would mostly become a platform for this kind of sentiment, and sure enough it came fast and strong. Well done, internet.

I am a Seahawks fan. The first title we won, it was tons of fun, high fixing strangers all week, yelling “Go Hawks” at random intervals, the whole championship deal.

You’re asking the wrong guy. I have no idea how butthats are still a thing.

I’m a pretty casual baseball fan and I thought the sequence was just fine and filled with drama.