I’ve got Doc Howard’s book on the shelf behind me! He’s the man.

“Micro” means “small,” maybe someone can find a joke there.

This is going to be a negative in his argument for ‘best Blazer ever.’

clearly...the affect of fatigue

Follow your own train of thought, Tim. Unregulated resource allocation in the NBA wouldn’t look any different than unregulated resource allocation in the US economy. You’ll get a small minority of franchises controlling the vast majority of the resources, and the vast majority of franchises clamoring for crumbs. It

“his style hasn’t evolved as his life has”

[kicks in door] Hey guys I’ve got an awesome Bill Simmons mustache jo-NOOOO I’M TOO LATE

At least he hasn’t devolved into sentimental bullshittery like Reilly.

If people dressed like the hotel clerks were taking guests’ money, not giving them rooms, then disappearing into the night, then, maybe, yeah.

Unfortunately (no joke) a Darren Sharper bail motion.


Are you guys both going over to Mom’s later?

Yeah just seven seconds, I wanted more ass-grabbing.

Can I have a loonie for a bag of milk?

I anxiously await finding out if there are any humorous pictures from the internet that might be relevant to the subject of this article!

There's a lot of ex-NHL players out there who can sit up straight and speak nice on camera. Given a choice of these players for some fill-in trade deadline coverage, I'm going to pick the one who doesn't fancy himself a part-time rape comedian. Just to be safe.

Andy Greenwald for Albert Burneko.

Honest question:

Oh I thought you said you were a really good burner.
