Otto Lipschitz

Is it work at home? If so I know someone who doesn't like pants and is now in search of a job.

... Karen? Are they shooting another American Pulling pilot?

What's truly shocking is that there were 2000+ intoxicated people in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and there was only one reported "sexual assault". I hope that is the absolute truth, but sadly probbaly a few more went unreported. And yet, it is still as good of a record if not better than a lot of bars in

I love this kid. If he isn't a fucking movie star when he gets to California, you're fired California. Go home.

I love this kid!

He was charged with "being way too fucking awesome!"

If it was full of bees, it wasn't had bees in it

George W said it wrong. Part of the reason the rest of the world new he was a maroon.

White broccoli?

What about foods where the common usage is completely mispronounced from the original? In the US it is standard to order a "jy-roh" (gyro) but in Greece it would be pronounced "yee-ros". And the "spag bol" is a standard item on British menus but I doubt Italians would call spaghetti bolognese the same thing.

Whenever I go to Whole Foods I always buy a box of frozen mozzarella sticks because I mean they came from Whole Foods, they must be healthy right? Right???

So i say chip-ot-le but my grandma says chip-ol-te...but she is from Mexico. I'm not really sure how its pronounced now Lol.

Abita's all over the South and I even see it nationally. I've seen Purple Haze and Turbo Dog six-packs at a few beer stores in Portland, and in bottles occasionally at southern-themed restaurants. I get that Abita is big because it was one of the first Southern microbreweries, but that shit sucks.

If I had a nickel for everytime I've been talked to like a small child by someone who doesn't know the first goddamned thing about the food/booze I deliver to tables every night, well, I could quit the server job entirely.

There is nothing more infuriating than being lectured by a condescending idiot.

Now playing

Are artichokes and avocados different??? Really?

yep. My cousin got his last DUI (that took away his license and cars plates) that way. He knew he shouldn't drive so he was sitting in the drivers seat with the car off, but keys in the ignition and was asleep. BAM! DUI. Keys in ignition, sitting in drivers seat, car was off.

They get inside your head, man!

Are these the two men?