Otto Lipschitz

Aren't situations like this the reason that those personal quadcopter drones with GoPros attached to them exist? Why aren't we flying one of those things down there?

No shit. I understand the frustration, but not the anger. (The sense of surprise and indignation is hilarious - you're texting a club promoter, not a fucking camp counselor.)

You really don't read, do you?

That would be 1-8% of accusations that are reported to the police turn out to be false, no? So we don't know how many total accusations turn out to be false.

I can be done.

Isn't this just a picture of Dubai?

"Mayhaps thee wilt moveth the stoane a bit to thine left? Nay, nay, thou hast pushed with excessive vigour. Perchance thou couldst move it back to thine right?"

Don't leave a kid alone in a car.

Now playing

This is all the hard-hitting science I need on the subject of crocodiles, thank you very much.

I adore kids and have volunteer jobs working with them, but I don't want to eat near them in restaurants, either. I especially don't want to listen to them cry or hear mom repeatedly chastising Little Timmy to sit still or chew with his mouth closed.

If I could avoid having kids in neighboring booths that stand up and FUCKING STARE at you with their gross little blank sticky faces I would happily pay extra to do so. Unfortunately these tables seem to get seated once we're already happily settled and have ordered food. Ugh I really wish people would just cook for

Random story alert:

The first movie I consciously remember seeing is Predator.



Are we sure about that?

Yiddish Policeman's Union

Ghostbusters 2 is, apparently, a phantom film that people believe exists, but doesn't. Like the alleged Highlander 2 and Highlander 3.

Well, the shit is really gonna hit the fan when the lovely folks over at Esquire find out that he knocked up a not-42-year-old.

All of these require a significant amount of trimmings or stuff which unless you are a grower, or know one, is expensive or just not available.