Reminds me of the video for
Reminds me of the video for
Broad City started my love
Well, also a lot of grad students would otherwise have been entering the worst job market since the 30s...
I’m from New Orleans, no excuses needed ever for making yourself a nice cocktail. You gotta enjoy your life.
OTOH, I downplayed my mother’s assertion that violent crime was increasing where she lives the other day and patronized her with this exact factoid and some national statistics, then ate crow when I checked out her local data and found that she lives in an anomalous zone where murders have increased over the past few…
Well, you are right that this is not about feminism as much as bullying. I put it down to immaturity instead of evilness because I happen to be in a philosophical mood, and thus more forgiving. And by philosophical I mean I am a mellow drinker.
In a sociology class I took way back when, it was explained to me that the more one watched tv, the greater a fear of crime manifested, no matter the actual crime rate. Even today, with violent crime the lowest it has been in my life, you find those who claim it is getting worse every year. This was pre-internet, but…
Yes! Let’s get back to the class war. Universal pre-K, child care, paid parental leave for both parents, and the ERA. Full employment, estate taxes, more progressive tax brackets. Civilian review boards, union card check, sentencing reform. And goddamn it, at least one Planned Parenthood fully funded in every city in…
I don’t think I can quite agree with you there. No matter what your viewpoint is, there is a mob out there somewhere that would be happy to rake you over the coals. There is no real safe opinion here except not expressing one.
Well, older people always feel that way about young people; as long as there has been writing, older people have been writing some variation of this. Hell, it might be true and human history has just been an unbroken line of increasing softness since Australopithecus. I remember when my generation didn’t know the…
For what it’s worth, when I first encountered the term “political correctness” in college in the late 80s at a school known for liberalism, it was almost exclusively applied by liberals to other liberals as mockery of the over-the-top quality of some of the rhetoric. Years later, when I heard the likes of Rush…
I hear ya. But while we both disagree with them, let’s also remember that they are still so young, and young people tend to lack the perspective that comes from experience. Let’s defend the professor, but not cast them into a lake of fire just yet.
That year MCs started wearing kilts lol NEVAR FORGET
She’s Hilary Duff and she’s seapunk and she loves it.
Now I just want to know what the 15 points of a poop inspection are.
You people are fucking savages. In a public toilet, you flush the moment you are done pooping, BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Before you wipe. If you want to sit there a while longer, be my guest, but stop stinking up the place.
My grandfather had a glass eye, a mule kicked the first one out. Drew should be aware that glass eyes can also itch. And you can’t really pop it out and scratch.
It’s not OK. The rest of the country isn’t aspiring to be more like Alabama. Except maybe Mississippi.