Auction them off? Eh, I’d rather not have a great big Confederate monument sale so all the white supremacists can take home the objects they most wish to venerate. Melt down the metal and use it for something good and worthwhile.
Auction them off? Eh, I’d rather not have a great big Confederate monument sale so all the white supremacists can take home the objects they most wish to venerate. Melt down the metal and use it for something good and worthwhile.
Yeah, I will generally come down on her side. But as PinkBunnyHat said below, if you can’t use the dinglehopper correctly, well I don’t have time you anymore.
Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.
Jon totally carved those White Walker drawings.
I cant imagine why.
I know just who you should call about that
A request to the Jezebel/ The Slot staff: can we start seeing profiles of potential congressional or presidential candidates that can actually turn this sinking ship around in 2018 and 2020? I, like I’m sure many others, am getting just numb and depressed as hell by the barrage of #barfbags coming from the West Wing -…
And he’s not even that cute, for Chrissake.
She’s my Senator and this is bang on.
“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”
Fred Savage: I’ll always remember that Keegan-Michael Key and the cast of the new Netflix series wanted me to hang out. He was at once heroic and senseless. There was nothing more I could do. The die was cast. I stood there, helpless, outnumbered. And that’s when it happened. Billy Eichenr said I create boundaries and…
He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch mated with a fruit bat.
Shit, you guys MUST have some sort of song to help you remember them all. Like, I can still remember all 16 counties in my state because I learned them in second grade to the tune of “Yankee Doodle.”
NPR played some clips this morning from FDR’s first fireside chat and I couldn’t help but compare it to this Twitter garbage happening this weekend. He used technology to communicate calmly, clearly, honestly and directly to citizens. The fact of the communication isn’t novel here. It’s the horrifying content.
My roots in this country go back over 300 years, I never thought I would be this fucking disgusted with America and so truly ashamed of this country.
I agree
After yesterday’s ass kissing charade, what we need is child proof safety locks for the Cabinet!
Breitbart–Steve Bannon’s great American petri dish turned primary source for news about Steve Bannon’s office…
But being unaware of the law doesn’t free you of the consequences of breaking it. I didn’t realize you had to drive for 100 yards in a lane before changing to another lane, but the ticket I paid and the point on my car insurance are the consequences for breaking that law.
Google Theresa May holding a baby, asap