
HB2 will never be repealed. At best they will alter the language of the small part of the bill that covers the bathrooms. Then everyone will claim victory and the worst parts of the bill will still be law because everyone in the media has been ignoring the worst parts of the bill.

Here’s the thing. Obviously we’ve been freaked out by this whole Trump presidency disaster. Every day is a new horror. But unlike a lot of people I wasn’t scared.  Angry? Worried? Sure. Scared? No.

Funny how the folks who want to legislate discrimination always use the “men posing as trans women” as a justification, while ignoring the fact that bills like these force actual men, who look like men and dress like men, into the women’s bathroom, by law. Right now, what’s to stop a dude from just walking right in,

Yeah... I totally get the being together forever and then things changing once you get married. But if you are monogamous for those years, the monogamy after the wedding is not difficult. It is all of the other things.

It’s ironic if it’s the opposite of what you expect- so no, it isn’t irony. Also, in regard to the song, none of the situations are ironic, they are poetic coincidence. Though, the very fact that a song called “Ironic” has no instances of irony is in itself, rather ironic.

That whole “spooky stories” thread fucks me up for weeks, every year. I can’t wait for it to arrive; spend days re-reading the same disturbing stories over and over again b/c 1.) fuck you, Kinja, and your non-linear posting, and 2.) I’m a masochist; and promptly lose the ability to sleep for several weeks.

I live in Somerville, and there are homes in certain neighborhoods with zero fucking bars!!! Zero bars!!!! Oh the humanity.

I live in the ‘burbs of Boston in an area with crap cell reception. I am pretty sure that if this had happened here, it would have been ALL OVER the news. So, no.

not sure what you teach (obv.) but the Oryx and Crake trilogy belongs on there as well.

The problem is that his actual business acumen is somewhere between Gob Bluth and Vincent Adultman.

You want him to die? I don’t.

This is me at work. Except I’m on the Interwebz. Hmm maybe I should run for President.

I am just going to remind everyone - since it’s sort of dropping off the rage radar - that the Russian government colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the election with the purpose of weakening America to the point that Russia could destroy NATO and re-assert control over Europe. They didn’t do it because they

Do you think that if we got all the news outlets to report that Trump died he’d think he became a ghost and frolic off into the sunset, searching for pussies to grab?

I’ll be damned if he can spell NPR.

His advisers demand he take a deep breath and count to ten before he tweets. Managing this in 12 minutes is his new record.

I hate that I love pretty much every single he’s put out in the last 2 years.