You should always read the article
You should always read the article
This would not fly because of hipa.
Alt right, alt right, alt right!
I counter: celebrity gossip is fake news. Politically charged lies released as facts is not fake news. It’s propoganda.
and we could make the distinction between those two things very clear if people would stop calling it “fake news” and start calling it “propaganda” because we literally already have a word for it and coming up with precious innocuous new names for shit is literally a fascist tactic.
you can clean pillows really easy. Just put them in the drier with a wet towel and drier sheet. this steams them clean and fluffs them up. only takes about 30 minuets. I do this every week . when you wash them it takes hours to dry.
Dude, I am not spending an hour in my creepy apartment’s laundry room spending an hour fluffing my down comforter every five minutes while that freaky guy WHO DOESN’T EVEN LIVE HERE wanders in looking for a place to drink his 4o.
I don’t even wash my jeans, you think I’m gonna wash my PILLOWS? I like to think the germs are making me stronger!
Regarding pillows, nah. Do you launder your mattress? Your sofa? Same issues with those.
I smoke weed everyday and am probably an alcoholic, but I am well-informed about politics and celebrity gossip. The point is, we’re all going to die in a mushroom cloud.
It’s awful but
We didn’t “all” vote him into power.
See, if she had real island vibes she’d have been too relaxed to be bothered by the corrections. That’s how you can tell she’s got the similar, but lesser-known, isthmus vibes.
Outrage fatigue is a huge fear I share. I think the Orange Skid Mark is counting on it.
We really, really didn’t. It was fluke of our antiquated system. If you were to say that most of our voters were too apathetic to participate you would be correct.
Seconds after this picture was taken Llana and Abby from Broad City make their way through this train car as well.
We are. And some of us are taking a short break to lower our blood pressure and regroup. If you don’t want to do that, fine, but stop yelling at those of us who need it, kthxbye.