Why would anyone pay $200 to see a musician they obviously know absolutely nothing about?The avatar/disguise thing is SIA’s whole schtick.
Why would anyone pay $200 to see a musician they obviously know absolutely nothing about?The avatar/disguise thing is SIA’s whole schtick.
<breathy Marilyn Monroe voice> Haaaappy biiirthhh~daaayy.... Missster Saaa~tannnnn.... HAW HAW!
I long for the days when all I knew about DT was his ugly hair. Can I have him wiped from my memory please??
Bruh. MAINE-iacs.
Haha I watched this go down on Facebook live yesterday.
Pretty sure at this point Maverick would be getting pressured to retire by the commercial airline he’s worked for for the last 20 years.
I like Jez but I miss it too. :(
I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I miss Gawker. I even had a chance of getting out of the grays there. :(
Usually love the DB, but the lazy click links with comic book noises at the end? No.
Seconded! I come to Dirt Bag because I am lazy and only want to read the links about people I recognize. This laziness is forcing me to be less lazy. And you won’t like me when I’m less lazy (Jk, I’m too lazy to carry out vaguely threatening statements).
Phew! [Gossip Cop]
“...all kidding aside, we all know about your credentials, and breadth of experience...” gets a YUGE laugh with BO not even trying, just going for the easy stuff! Never gets old I tell ya.
Honestly, when I thought I couldn’t get angrier about this election.
My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead…
Here’s your other story: http://jezebel.com/1787909588
5 stars!! I’m touched!
Here is a story about how I am a scaredy cat and probably shouldn’t read Jezebel’s annual scary story post.
This is relatively mild, yet creepy in a subtle way. If you want to be frightened you should probably move on to another story.