
The doctor did inform them, and after trying to get in contact with them throughout the evening after having informed them of the risk and told them the baby needed to be admitted. After 10 contact attempts by the Dr, which they ignored and refused to pick up the phone or respond to his messages, he texted and told

My thought exactly. Midwives are there to assist with birthing, NOT to provide longterm medical advice or care. A noble profession for sure, but definitely not a pediatrician.

I’m not saying that any of this is justified. If the child was so sick, she needs to be in the hospital. But she’s not... so?

But the person who attended the birth has a doctorate and is a licensed counselor. She is a certified professional midwife (CPM) which means she is *not* a medical professional who was trained

I’m a black pediatrician and something signficant is missing from this story. The reasons why black families choose midwives and home births are unfortunate and justified by how they are treated. And jaundice is a common condition that doesn’t require treatment...until it does. And then when it does, it needs to be

yep, sounds about right. for 20 years the internet was a cesspool of racism and misogyny and now that everyone is online the hosts now have a financial reason to keep this shit off their servers. As soimeone who grew up with that shit being “cool and edgy” good fucking riddance to that shit.

I’m 43, I’ve been married a long time but I have worked around apprentices in my union and they just don’t know what we are talking about haha. From that experience I think dating someone that much younger would be rather lonely, they have no experience with what you grew up with and you can never say, hey

I dated a couple men in their 40s when I was 28/29. They told me they don’t like to date women their own age because they are all “desperate” to have babies which makes them “psycho.”

It comes from the same people who defend billionaires and the like, and for the same reason: they would 100% do the same if given the chance.

Social media reveals what people are thinking in a manner that was not previously available. It’s like being able to hear, uninhibited, the thoughts of the general population. This access confirms, for me, that there are a lot more crazy people than I had previously realized.

I mean, it’s a reason phrases like ‘fuck politeness’ became such popular mottos among My Favorite Murder listeners after a seemingly endless string of stories from female listeners of exactly the same sort of thing of women avoiding danger or realizing just how narrowly they’d avoided it from creeps like this. It’s

Tom Cruise, a noted friend of the Miscaviges, was not present at the ceremony, given that he publicly disavowed the HFPA in 2021 for its lack of diversity. And as Carmichael noted, the Top Gun: Maverick star and Golden Globe nominee returned three of his awards in protest.

I want to see it. I don’t even care who does it, I want to see Gaetz punched in the face. Repeatedly. I also want to see him charged for being a pedo but that increasingly looks like it’s not going to happen.

The misplaced, unearned confidence comes from decades of being told you’re special because you have a dick.

Tell us you’re not a parent without telling us. #1 - A parent doesn’t need a reason to parent. If it’s not a burden on anyone and the child isn’t in any danger or discomfort, then exposure to things outside the home is extremely beneficial. #2 - Why do you assume there’s a wife? #3 - Why do you assume the wife would

Keep your voice down or we’ll get a whole lecture on how womanhood is being threatened by...something.

It really says something that the best piece of evidence the anti-trans community can cobble together is from Kindergarten Cop.

FINALLY. this makes sense to me. GIFs from the early 90s is where TERFs get their science info.

As a childless woman in my 30s, I yell “I’m the MOTHER?!” all the time, Jenna perfectly captured a real feeling there. Last time I yelled this was realizing that Amy Smart, playing the mom in Stargirl, was wearing the same Anthropologie shirt that I was wearing while watching.

The guy’s pretty much the last “movie star” at this point.

Fun fact: Jennifer Lawrence was playing 40-something female characters in Silver Linings Playbook and Joy when she was in her 20s.