
Cloud looks like they blended him with Ross from Friends. It’s... nightmarish.

Because his many years in jail are totes preferable. Idiot.

I disagree, he 100% made that up.

Nah they’d come at him in a group.

I kind of find it creepy that your take away with this is ‘Younger guys miss out on hot women their own age and that suuuuucks man!’ instead of ‘Wow these older men treat women like bangable accessories that they toss out when they get ‘too old’.’

I’ve never had a gas stove in my life and only used one once at a boyfriend’s house. It was nice but not life changing and I really felt no more convienced by its perks than using the old coil electric stoves or the more modern electric flat tops (not induction that’s different).

There are also AI generated recipes. It’s just all about getting people to click and get ad views.

I saw someone once post about their ‘delicious rare chicken’ and it was a barely cooked chicken breast with no fucking spices at all. I thought it was a troll until I dug further and saw they were either very dedicated to the troll or legitimately a weird person who hated taste and properly cooked food.

This is a statement from someone who is hand waving racism with ‘It’s just a kids show!’ among other arguments. So them not knowing much about the show itself tracks.

Changing it to ‘her’ actually makes it creepier than ‘them’. Not sure why! Just how it feeeels

ONE sick day. ONE. A singular sick day??? I religiously wear a mask outside the home so I haven’t gotten sick since January 2020 (it was the flu), but I still had days where I was unwell enough I couldn’t function at a job! Food poisoning can happen easy!

I get what you’re saying but if the slogan for the movement will hit the ear of someone may support it but it literally only sounds like it’s one thing... it’s failed as a slogan. A slogan is supposed to be a short summery of what the goal is. This slogan gave an easy win to anyone close to the center and especially

Yep. Cops don’t need armored tanks (HAHAHAH my city has a FEW), but we do need non-emergency service funding, community centers, and various other things that actually help prevent crime.

You know what I super want? Someone sick and likely struggling to focus taking care of huge shipping containers, and driving massing trains!

Yeah that’s someone trying their hardest to rephrase it as ‘not mean or alienating’.

99% will call it a ‘Liberal News Media Lie’.

It’s such a weird argument because men just... walking right into women’s restrooms and assaulting them isn’t even RARE.

Its ok when it’s straight.

Yes. Literally yes.

Youtube isn’t bad if you actively tell it not to show you shit you dislike. I don’t think TikTok has that option, but I avoid TikTok like the fucking plague. The fact that it just endlessly generates content at you pisses me off. I like to curate my online experience.