
House Hunter International is the best when its an American couple. They’re like ‘We want a 3,000 square foot house, 2 acres of land, a large updated kitchen, historical details, 4 bed 4 bath, vaulted ceilings in downtown Berlin, Germany.’

I literally cant even picture what an “adult” Sonic the Hedgehog movie would look like. Not only would the audience for that be microscopic it would be ridiculous. He's an electric blue hedgehog who runs real fast.

Also animal products are renewable, long lasting, and decay naturally.

They are hands down creators. Even using the bones of DBZ they added a ton of original time, effort and thought into the whole endeavour.

Things Trump has ruined today: The Medal of Freedom.

Actually I’m afraid to report they legitimately do think they’re telling a cute funny story. I’ve started looking into conservative ‘comedy’ (scare quotes because holy wow, not funny at all) and a lot of the jokes they tell are like that. Racist shit like from some evangelical christian sitcom the jokes were just ‘LOL

Every picture of Bieber makes me feel like taking a hot shower to wash away the filth he radiates. He just... looks... OILY and dirty... and creepy... and unpleasant and dumb.

It really reminded me of how people who go through addiction treatment are encouraged to get a plant, so they have something to look after.

Dogs actually DON’T like having their heads patted (especially by strangers, they tolerate it from their loved ones).

So I rewatched Avatar (James Cameron one) last night and I went ‘Wow these villains are cartoonishly evil. How unrealistic’. Then I spent about... three seconds remembering who we currently have in office and went: ‘NOPE. NOPE. SUPER REALISTIC.’

Libertarians are absolute nitwits sooo... they probably do not.

I had the same thought. ‘cause ain’t no one saying ‘Take her out’ to mean ‘fire her’.


I spoke to otherwise wonderful people who HATED Hillary and refused to vote for her. None of them were Bernie Bros, or even Bernie supporters for that matter. Hillary has always been very off-putting and I held my nose voting for her. I honestly can’t stand her and her centrist policies. She’s a neo-liberal shill for

It’s really gross given the age of the boys but otherwise... meeeeeeh. Boring, tired, cliche... but at least it isn’t one of those older Burger King ads where the rail thin Paris Hilton is rolling around on a car in a bikini disgustingly biting into a horrifyingly huge burger.

I detest the ‘its for kids its allowed to be shit’ mentality. We shouldn’t be shoveling shit into kids faces. We should be making thoughtful, entertaining stories. They don’t all have to have a moral or anything like that but... effort? A desire to make good things?

Ding ding ding!

Reminds me of a story about someone as a kid watching Dumbo with their classmates and seeing how they identified with and cheered for Dumbo against the bullies... when they themselves were the bullies.

My mother went from not liking Trump much to suddenly being all about him since she met her new very pro-Trump (and very racist) boyfriend. I point out actual, factual things he’s done wrong, ranging from immoral to illegal and she just... doesn’t believe me. I’ll show her proof and she refuses to read it.

Given how Mandos are a strong ‘found family’ and a diverse collection of aliens it’s borderline offensive to use their imagery.