
Cognitive dissonance is strong with them.

I was SO excited until I read that masturbation still counts. Oh well. I was so hoping for early menopause. I’m DONE with periods so I can’t wait to be permanently closed for business.

Have you heard the William Shatner version? Fucking brilliant.

The thing that infuriates me about JJ Abram’s films is that he loves to rely on nostalgia with no understanding of why things ARE nostalgic. He’s just aware of things so he includes them.

Do you know why the Star Trek reboot had so many lens flares? Wait till you hear it, it’s just GREAT. First off they were all done on set during filming, not added in post. Secondly JJ’s reason? “I want to show how bright the future is!”

I wish I could hand you a sky full of stars. JJ drives me up the freakin’ wall. His movies are full of overblown nonsense that doesn’t even linger in the mind! He uses the ‘rule of cool’ in such a way that instead of giving us big moments of fun, or excitement, or awe that it just all blurs together in a messy bunch

I can’t wait to see this movie with my friend. I hope the theater is pretty empty so we can laugh our brains out.

Yeah, bigoted people don’t sit around pleating their fingers and plotting their next eeeeeevil act. They live normal lives, do normal things, love their family, love their pets, go to work, eat dinner... its just that they ALSO believe a lot of fucked up bad shit and sometimes express those fucked up bad shit beliefs.

To this day I still have a deep abiding love for trashy fantasy. Dragonlance. Forgotten realms. Dark Sun. Not the best written stuff but to me its always the characters that pull me in and keep me around which is why Steven King bored me so much. Most of his characters are Steven King Stock Characters™©® that my eyes

I find the idea that RJ wrote out the script and decided to kill of Snoke and no one, no one at Disney, up and down the chain, was aware of it. Oh he sure pulled the wool over their eyes!

It’s annoying but people will consider testimony to be evidence in all other cases but molestation/rape/sexual assault.

Yeaaaaaah. That 100% makes complete sense. Its amusing how much some authors put of themselves into their books. When I write I look over my work and try to not put too much of by biases (Like I hate all religions and atheists but I try not to be hostile towards any religion or non-religion in my writing) into my work.

Crichton was your run of the mill asshole. Massive jerk to everyone around him, and the anti-science themes of his books? Very much carried into real life. Dude was all aboard the ‘Climate Change isn’t real’ train. I’m sure a little digging can reveal even worse shit he’s said and done but at the moment his

I am so sorry.

Sometimes I think about the authors I enjoyed as a kid and...

I’m sad my friends have moved away because now I have no one to watch this monstrosity with and die laughing over.

From what I understand the best way to enjoy it is the stage play because they actors interact with the audience. Without that I imagine... yeah... it kills a lot of the charm and excitement.

The idea of a trilogy not even getting the vaguest of an outline before they started writing is mind boggling.

I’m not famous, know no one famous but I HAAAAATE when people don’t respect boundaries. It’s infuriating and frustrating to tell someone ‘X makes me uncomfortable’ and have them just dismiss those feelings. Happens to me all the fucking time since my mother ignores all my cues, even outright statements like ‘Can we

I always list Andrew Jackson really high up on my list of worst presidents given he made an ACTIVE and hateful effort to commit genocide on Native Americans. Like, yeah, plenty of presidents in the past were happy to see them suffer and die but Jackson pushed for it. He made it a big part of his presidency. It wasn’t