
Yep. See also the people who watched a show about politics and intrigue for more than 7 seasons thinking that the big climax of the show would be a LOTR fight with zombies. The White Walkers served their story purpose, they united the North with itself and Dany and then decimated their combined mighty army so now it

I shouldn’t be surprised by the people bothered by Arya, and yet here I am. Her sole character arc has been murder. That’s it. Killing, erasing, slaying, destroying, making deader. That’s it. Who better?

This was cute. Of all of them, I think Sophie Turner deserves to shoulder-cradle the Iron Phone.

Gunn addressed the jokes a while ago though, apologized, deleted the jokes, and didn’t make more.

Nothing sends a message to both our friends and enemies abroad like an ALL CAPS tweet!  Jesus fucking Christ we are all doomed.

It’s not about being consistent, it’s about eliminating your enemies.

I don’t blame the cast for defending their friend, as a person. The tweets are bad and indefensible, though. There is no way Disney was unaware of them before they hired Gunn in the first place, so placating Cernovich (of all fucking people) on this is complete bullshit. I will lose zero sleep over Gunn losing his

So republicans are offended by sexual assault jokes but are fine with ACTUAL SEX CRIMES.

Fuck Mike Cernovich, Jack Probosiec and all of the alt-right and toxic fandom behind this current tone-policing witch hunt.

That’s fucking awful. If nothing else, think of Frances. She doesn’t want the private details of her dad’s death in every paper. That guy should rot in hell. 

Oh lord, is that still being aired? It has got to be over 20 years at this point because I feel like I remember this being on when I was in high school.

I’m not surprised. I forget all the exact details, but there has been some guy pushing for the police to release all the crime scene photos because he’s a journalist and has a right to them or whatever. Courtney and Frances have been filing count claims against this because once these photos are out there is no

There’s a local lunatic here in Seattle who for over a decade has had a public access TV show called Kurt Cobain Was Murdered. All this twitch does is film this crap blaming Love and air it over and over. 

“I hope im not coming off as endorsing the people doing the harassing”

Of course they are.

Right? As if Bourdain’s death wasn’t heartbreaking enough, now we have to deal with this shit?

I think just about every day I wonder what the fuck is wrong with people.

That chihuahua is a pot ledom

Every facial expression in the photo, both human and pet, is perfect. I think it's awesome the principal did this. A good way to enforce the rules, but not look like a jerk about it, and contribute to a good cause.

Every facial expression in the photo, both human and pet, is perfect. I think it's awesome the principal did this. A good way to enforce the rules, but not look like a jerk about it, and contribute to a good cause.