
I needed to play Pikmin 3 a little while on a family vacation so that I could have a review done in time. This is me playing at the airport before my flight home.

I think Nintendo saw this picture and decided to run with the idea.....

With all due respect to David Suchet.

Have you been taking other peoples badges?

One more thing, Pika pi

The Role he was born to play.

I don’t think Danny Devito will accept the role, I think hes been traumatized by the appearance of wild Diglets.

Jaret Leto already mentioned he wants to play Squirtle and has been sending everyone gallons of water, because that’s his thing.

My city has a combined Light Gas & Water department so I’d wager they’d be team Instinct. I don’t really care for them though lol

Yup, it looks incredibly dorky but there is so much potential.

You say its light-years ahead and yet still demean it.

Soooo a holodeck with glasses.

Well of course it’s going to look dorky when you’re watching the players from outside the headsets.

Jesus, those backpacks they have to wear look like military style proton packs.

VR is inherently dorky in all its current incarnations.

Wow, he honestly has the most punchable face I have ever seen, even more so than Bill Lumbergh from Office Space.