I need it.
Dammit, Nintendo knows how to get people to return to games they abandoned a long time ago. Here I thought I was done with AC:NL but I am going to check out what my amiibos can do.
Thank you. I thought I was the only one who noticed the positive interactions police departments have with Pokemon Go players. I live a few blocks from a Police Department adjacent to a local park and I notice they have been more active with the people who are coming out and playing the game safely in the park. They…
I said it elsewhere on this site and I say it again here; there are no cars in Pokemon games for a reason.
It’s official - the remake of Stand By Me is going to be four kids from Castle Rock, Oregon who discover a dead body while trying to track down a Dratini.
Eventually someone’s going to find Jimmy Hoffa’s body while chasing down a Missingno.
My same reaction. I own 90% of these via cartridges or VC already, but it would be much easier to have this sitting around than dragging out the Wii or NES, plus HD support. And the controllers work for VC too, which, yay!
Me: Oh I own all those games.
I'm lucky to have a small pond by my apartment where I can just play Overwatch and catch Magikarp as they pop up.. I'm at 179 candies
We used to play Smash Brothers in our college dorm, and none of us had any grounding in Pokémon so we just made up names for the things that hatched out of the pokeball item. Some said their names intelligibly like Snorlax and Bulbasaur (sp?). Some... Not so much. To me, this Pokémon will forever be known as Floppy…
They should make a clip on for the Wii that lets you plug in a cartridge. They could call it the “Wii-NES”
I kinda want to gift this to everyone I know. It’s cheap enough that I could actually do it.
Holy hell, Is it bad that I’m more excited for this than 99% of what E3 had to offer? This is amazing
There are definitely more third party titles on this bad boy than I expected. Good job, Nintendo!
Well tickle my fancy and color me interested!