Did a little look up on this and found some interesting things about this ad.
Did a little look up on this and found some interesting things about this ad.
“How appropriate! You fight like a cow!”
Kind of like the genetic love child of Groudon and Kyogre put toge-
From some of what I heard, there’s a bit of sourness going on for both Undertale fans and non-Undertale fans. Undertale fans are truly passionate about the game and want people to vote because they think it’d be awesome if Undertale won. Some may vote Undertale even if another game it went up against was considered…
Well as if the simple fact of reminding us what once was wasn’t bad enough...
Oh you think THAT’S bad?! You should have seen what he had to say about Swapnote not too long ago! SURE! Rip my heart out why don’t you?!
Time to get in the robot, Shinji!
It’s not so much about waiting as it is seeing an opportunity and taking it! :)
I want to see Talking Trees that work like puzzles: find the right solution to BS your way through a conversation. That was more or less what Grim Fandango did in a few cases.
Jim Sterling is an asshole and that’s exactly what makes him perfect for being the representative for Games Media with the initial 4.
Here’s my thinking. They are releasing Mother 3 in Japan on the same day the Lucas Amiibo goes on sale in Japan.
It is... SORT OF.
Duly noted for future reference. Especially since it’s the only room where not a single kid could figure out how to put three pieces of a monkey together. Did any kid ever figure that one out?
The downside is that you have to get out of the temple in 3 minutes, so you better be ready to play your cards fast and pray you have enough Medallions and don’t run into the Room of the Silver Monkey.
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. There’s only one canvas suitable for this kind of work to be printed on:
Probably the best part is that if the acting is terrible, NO ONE WILL NOTICE! And if they do, it’ll go down like this:
When the name gets so long, the main character accidentally bites their tongue trying to say it. This is either a classic Toriyama gag, or a gag that sounds like it was thought up by Team Four Star.
Big whoop. It’s a 16 GB download where other titles take up around 50 GB or more. I have a 32 GB Deluxe model (the only model sold now), and have almost filled it with games I’ve gotten. Most of it has been Virtual Console titles that are pretty small. Although I did get a free digital copy of Legend of Zelda: Wind…