Some of it is special stuff that happens when you play those two. The Road Roller in particular.
Some of it is special stuff that happens when you play those two. The Road Roller in particular.
I must say, that looks slick as all get out! Only gripe, and it’s minor, is that it needs more kinds of SFX. I kept seeing “DON DON DON DON DON” constantly & would like more SFX variety. I want to have SFX showing whistling shells, missiles, and anything else they can fit in. Maybe even add some “GO GO GO GO”…
You clearly haven’t seen the kind of outlandish expectations Papergirls are expected to accomplish on their daily routes.
This is what really bugs me; the growing inability for creator and creation to be separated from one another. A piece of work is no longer capable of standing on its own. The views and opinions of its creator will taint the work, even if the work has absolutely nothing to do with the views and opinions of its creator;…
Trading Cards... things that people have been seeking after and collecting since the 1860’s...
Kakushin-teki Matamorphesis also remixes well with pop stars.
Well dammit. Now I HAVE to play this one. I just got the game the other day too.
Oh I know. The artist knows too. They basically said it was a redrawing of that scene, only with Sherlock and Watson because they thought it’d be funny.
Bearded Daniel Radcliffe and NO ONE has made a “Hairy Harry Potter” joke yet?! For shame!
This bothers me more than it should for reasons that might make no sense to others, but hear me out...
I really hope they keep the theme song by “King Cream Soda”
I was wondering if these were the same folks behind the Bionic Commando revival games. If only they’d stuck to the 2D games and not made that... other one...
While I am disappointed that Nick wasn’t up front when people brought it to their attention once they saw the release dates from the retailer change, I can’t be angry at them.