That’s assuming they make it to Act 3-1. I’d be surprised if any of them could get past Act 2-1.
That’s assuming they make it to Act 3-1. I’d be surprised if any of them could get past Act 2-1.
If all NES games were designed well so that you could tell what would or would not kill you and what was or was not a platform that you could stand on, then the Angry Video Game Nerd wouldn’t have been as angry. The mark of good game design back in the day was to be able to tell what was what and not have their player…
Notes of Observation:
It’s a museum. The website is to get you to the museum.
Oh they have M.U.L.E.
Man, it figures that this would happen just a couple of weeks after I went there to visit. Took so many photos while I was there!
Isn’t that basically the premise behind that Steve Martin/Lily Tomlin movie?
A-hem *polite cough*
My wife won’t rest until she gets her hands on these. If someone hijacks the truck with those on it, she will get her brother to contact his friends in the fed and get them to track them down come hell or high water.
What bothers me most is that I keep hearing about people claiming that their religious text is the end all, be all of everything. People claim that the Bible is clearly the Word of God and infallible. They do this despite there being other things in the Bible that are illegal today (stoning to death those who…
This is why I’m thankful for the International Center for the History of Electronic Games at the Strong Museum of Play in Rochester, NY. I was there this past Monday to visit their eGameRevolution exhibit which I first saw in 2012.
That would be pretty hilarious if he did though.
Hey! I own a copy of the Untold History of Japanese Game Developers and I like it! :P
Well we know this. The original goal of the Kickstarter was for $500,000, yet IGA said that the venture capitalists would be providing 90% of the budget should they meet their goal. If we do the math, that means that IGA would be receiving $4,500,000 from Venture Capitalists. Combined with the $500,000 from…
One of the things that stands out for these projects is that they have a “Creator-Centric” focus. While on one hand, someone may be promising you the moon and the stars which you know is more or less impossible, the other hand has the fact that this specific creator has knocked it out of the park quite a few times.…
Oh God Yes!
If you were in charge of one of the company’s landmark series, and was then shuffled around to develop social mobile games, you’d probably look that bored too.
Only way to find out is via the Test Fire and when the game’s released. Plus, given the gradual roll out of features and game play modes for online throughout the course of the summer, this will give those on a fence a chance to wait and see if the game’s worth it before making a purchase. And when they do, they’ll be…
Maybe so, but there’s always the possibility that Nintendo has some sort of Plan B or whatever in the works so that should the stress test prove that they need more servers, then they can go and set up more servers. Assuming the game itself is more or less complete, and is capable of adjusting to the addition and/or…