I was gonna say that you show them this since someone in another article shared it and now I keep listening to this!
Which is what I think game devs and game publishers should do and plan for whenever they make a game. After a game or game hardware's lifespan is up, they should have an option of some sort that makes the entire game available with all the content unlocked or available sometime in the future.
Well I'm in a rush now.
Which makes copies of the games that have all the DLC content downloaded, saved, or unlocked even more valuable.
Oh yeah, compared to stuff like what they had for the Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon promos and the Knightmare intro, the Dark Souls II 80's parody here obviously pails in quality (and even when not in comparison).
Me, I first was exposed to it thanks to Noah "The Spoony One" Antweiler:
It's not too far off. Just look at the intro for "Knightmare" (which I feel is more or less the 80's equivalent to Dark Souls)
The sound a Christopher Nolan makes after a meal at Chipotle:
1 + 2 + 2 + 1...
What makes all this really fascinating for me is that this is essentially a great, big, giant experiment. A Massively Multiplayer Online Experiment...
I know! That's why I went there so you didn't have to! :)