A Porn Star, Grand Theft Auto V And Jetpacks
A Porn Star, Grand Theft Auto V And Jetpacks
Thanks for making that pic! :)
I see what you did there.
Hmm... I like puzzle games... I like the fact that you can catch Pokemon in this version of the game... the anime style is really nice...
Yeah, I was thinking that too.
That's... actually a very good description of what games like Myst are actually.
It handles giant robot crime, of course!
If you're going to make a game so historically accurate that the History Channel comes and uses your game and its engine for their specials, then I say get the scholars, the professors, any and all experts together to make it as historically accurate as all get out. And this guy, MedievalPOC, is an expert hands down!
I don't know why, (wait, yes I do), but now I REALLY want to see a sort of "Gangsta' Fantasy RPG" movie where the majority of the cast are African American.
There is no way on this green Earth that anything can top the masterpiece of Duralgo's Joker post. The genius and near perfection is too great.
It's really amazing how hilarious comments and Facebook banter can become comedy gold when spoken by thespians with as much dramatic flare as they can muster.
What really strikes out is that this shows the possibility of what MMOs can do. When we think online multi-player gaming, we typically think of 4, 16, 64, some other power of 2 that peaks at around 256 (usually). And even then, having 256 people in one skirmish or event in one place within one area in WoW could be…
The good news is that this battle was recorded. There are visual records, data records, evidence to keep track of this massive battle that may as well have been a 21-hour WAR given how many were involved.
I'm keeping fingers crossed that the reason the folks at Square Enix made this is because they saw these:
Ahhh, I remember those markers. They were symbols on the walls in front of certain doors that had a line trailing from them to the switch that controlled the water level.